I make things…

  • Space ships and other models!

    As a kid I instantly fell in love with the Millennium Falcon and Star Destroyers from Star Wars. Those were the days when practical models were built for films. I became obsessed in finding out as many details about how they were made as possible. I eventually learned their techniques and very recently I decided it was time to have a go at using them to make my own, so I did.

  • Tabletop games

    A passion of mine is board games, playing and making them. When the pandemic started and our board game playing group shrunk, I decided to make some tabletop games that were simple to setup and simple to play. Something my wife and I could play easily. It turns out that others wanted to play them too, so I started to do limited runs of them and sell them online. If you’re interested in how they were made, I go into that as well. There’s nothing I love more than talking about how to make these kinds of games!